What We Do

We promote sustainable food production and renewable energy innovations.

The company provides a range of services aimed at promoting sustainable food production, access to finance, and renewable energy innovations. They offer training in soil conservation, pest control, post-harvest handling, and value addition to agricultural products. Additionally, they promote financial inclusion through the promotion of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) and link farmers with urban centers for marketing of their produce. Through these services, GEOTEK contributes to the improvement of the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, reduction of post-harvest losses, and promotion of sustainable food production practices.

Our Services

We provide a wide range of services and solutions, including farm advisory services, sourcing solutions, value addition on agricultural products, and financial inclusion through the promotion of Village Savings and Loans (VSLAs). Our team of experts is dedicated to providing high-quality, appropriate, affordable, and conveniently accessible services to farmers and customers.

Why Choose Us?

Benefits you can get by working with our experts

Sustainable Farming Maximizes Profit

Improved agricultural productivity and profitability through the use of sustainable and climate-smart farming practices.

VSLAs for Financial Inclusion

Access to financial services and credit for smallholder farmers through the promotion of village savings and loans groups.

Reducing Losses: Post-Harvest Training.

Reduction of post-harvest losses through training and support in post-harvest handling and value addition techniques.

Market Access for Smallholders.

Enhanced market linkages and increased access to markets for smallholder farmers through the creation of value chains

Market Linkages for Farmers.

Access to market linkages, This creates more market opportunities for farmers and allows them to get fair prices for their produce.

Boosting Farm Productivity and Efficiency.

Improved productivity and efficiency: to help farmers increase their productivity and reduce their energy costs.

Our Unique Difference From Others

Our company focuses on promoting sustainable food production and renewable energy innovations while also providing financial and technical support to smallholder farmers. This unique approach sets us apart from other companies that may not have the same level of focus on sustainable agriculture and rural development.

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Frequently Ask & Questions

Geotek provides advisory, financial, and training services for smallholder farmers, as well as market linkages and renewable energy innovations. The company aims to promote sustainable farming practices and increase productivity and profitability for smallholder farmers.

Geotek helps smallholder farmers increase productivity and profitability. They provide access to finance, promote sustainable farming practices and empower farmers with financial inclusion. This is achieved through training, value addition, market linkages and VSLAs.

The mission of Geotek Investment Ltd is to empower smallholder farmers and enhance sustainable agriculture production through the provision of innovative solutions and services. The vision of the company is to become a leading provider of sustainable and profitable agriculture solutions in Africa

Our Office

Geotek promotes food security and renewable energy by addressing post-harvest losses and lack of markets for farmers.

Office Address

Fort Portal, Kabarole District.

Office Hours

Monday to Friday : 7:00 – 18:00
Saturday : 9:00 – 15:00

Geotek promotes food security and renewable energy by addressing post-harvest losses and lack of markets for farmers since 2013.

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